Goodbye Wishes for Coworker

Are you just dying to impress your boss and coworkers? You should write them a great goodbye message! Think again. Get your manager with our collection of ‘goodbye’ wishes and speeches. Our farewell messages are ready to make a lasting impact on anyone you leave. Reveal the best side of yourself in your colleagues’ memory.

Goodbye Wishes for Coworker

  • You were one of my greatest coworkers and even better friends. Losing you is like losing a friend and coworker. My wish is that you will always be happy, healthy, safe, and successful in your future endeavors!


  • Thank you so much for being such a great coworker and a true friend. I wish you all the best in all the adventures to come!


  • You have been a great friend and I will miss working with you. I do wish you the best whether it be closure with work, or finding a better job in the area. Either way, I hope everything works out for you. Best of luck!


  • I never thought I would get to know you or be friends with you, but you have been one of the greatest things in my life. You are such a great friend and person and I will miss working next to you. Take care of yourself and take care of your friendships.


  • Thank you so much for making these past years at work a pleasure! I know we will stay friends, although I will miss you horribly. Know that life gets better and that I am rooting for the best for you!


  • We’ve worked together for a year and in that time I have grown to know you better than any other person. You have helped me from the start, sharing your expertise with me and being a friend when I needed one. Thanks for being a great coworker and an even greater friend.


  • Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. I will miss you and all the fun we have every day. You are a great person that I am proud to have as a friend. Hope that everything works out in your new home and remember to keep in touch.


  • It’s hard to see you go, but I know this is what’s best for you. My only hope is that your moving on leads you to bigger and better things. Best of luck to you!



  • It was a pleasure working with you. I enjoy being your friend and hope we can keep in touch. I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors!


  • It’s been a pleasure working next to you these last few years, and I hope you enjoy your time off. Remember to stretch now and then, I don’t want you to get so into video games that you forget about the real world. 🙂


  • You have been such a great coworker. I will miss you so much; it’s been wonderful getting to know you. I hope we can stay friends and that I’ll see you again soon. Take care of yourself.


  • Dearest, I am sad that you are leaving us after four years of dedicated office work. I wish for you only the greatest things in your future and will miss our morning coffee talks, laughs and stories! Good luck in all that you do!


  • You are an amazing coworker and even better friend. I am so lucky to have met you and been able to work with you all these years. You have made my time here at D’s wonderful, your positive attitude and sense of humor always make for a great day.


  • You are a hard worker and a great friend. You taught me all about being a good boss and I appreciate all you did for me, but I just found out yesterday that my company is moving to Denver so I will be leaving. Thank you again for everything. Let’s keep in touch even though we aren’t working together anymore.


  • Thanks for your kindness, patience, and excellent work ethic. We will miss you. Be happy and stay in touch.


  • I am going to be in such a hole without you! Always remember to take care of yourself! I will miss our long laughs, your silly jokes, and your sarcastic comments. Goodbye.


  • It was an absolute pleasure to work with you. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and the rest of the team. I’m going to miss coming to work and seeing your smiling face! You will always have a special place in my heart.


  • It has been a wonderful experience working with you over these years. I will miss you and your sweet face every day, but I’ll be glad to keep in touch through email. Good luck with your future endeavors.


  • I’m going to miss you, man! You’re not just my coworker, but my friend. You will be missed on the shopfloor dearly. You always had a smile for everyone and made us laugh once in a while with your ridiculousness. Blast those sliders high and good luck at the new company!!


  • You’ve been a great friend to me, which I will always cherish. We had some great times together on the job and I’ll remember those for a long time. You have a lot to offer this world, so don’t ever stop trying. Stay strong and keep going!

Goodbye Wishes to Coworkers

  • It’s hard to believe that you’re going to be leaving us. We’ll miss your warm smiles and sunny personality, we won’t forget all the great times we had together at work. You made the workplace a better place. I am so proud of you! Here’s wishing you all the best!


  • Thank you so much for all the help you have given me over the last couple of years. I will certainly miss you. You are a great coworker and a devoted friend. I wish you the best in everything you do!


  • It’s difficult to say goodbye. You have made a great impact in my life and yours will not be forgotten. Take care and stay positive, wherever your path may lead you.


  • I can’t believe you are moving on to another job. You will always be one of my favorite people here at the firm. I wish you all the success in the world at your new workplace and hope to hear about your progress. Have a safe trip and keep in touch!


  • Thank you for all the time we spent together in these 10 years. I know it is nothing compared to our lives ahead, but this time has meant the world to me. Thank you, FirstName, for being my friend and coworker and for encouraging me to be a better person. I wish you all the luck in the future.


  • I will miss you so much! It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and working with you.


  • It was fun working with you these past four years! I’m going to miss ya. Take care and best wishes for a great career. Let’s get together for lunch sometime.


  • Thank you for sharing our secret meetings with your friend, we all had such a good time together. Take care and keep in touch!


  • Thanks for the good times and help. You were one of a kind and we are going to miss you.


  • It’s been a pleasure to be your teacher this year, but I won’t forget you all soon. I hope that you come to visit me, my kids, and my lab when the new semester starts. Thank you all for an excellent year, I was truly blessed to have the pleasure to teach you.


  • I’m not sure what the future holds for us both but I have a great feeling it will be filled with happiness and success. You have been such an influential person in my life at work and you continue to impress me every day. Get well soon!


  • I hope our departure doesn’t lessen our friendship. You have been a great friend and coworker to me over the years. I will miss you and wish you all the best!


  • Haha, well I finally got the guts to tell you how I felt. I’m sure a lot of people have tried getting close to you, but it just hasn’t worked out for them. So, I wanted to send you this love letter because it might just be my last chance.


  • Though our time together has been short, I have come to cherish every moment! You will be sorely missed. Your kind smile and gentle words had an uncanny way of banishing my stress and sorrow. As I continue along my journey, I wish you the best in all your endeavors.


  • I will never forget the fun times we had in the booth together, but I guess all things must come to an end. You are a great guy and I have enjoyed working with you. Thank you for all your hard work, see you soon!


  • You have been such strong support for us through the years and I know that I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for you. Thank you for all the years of guidance and advice, as well as some pretty great brownies, even if they were stolen! I will miss you


  • She was such a good friend. I will miss her and the joy she brought to our lives. I can only hope she is making a better place now.


  • I have always admired you for your work ethic, dedication, and impressive success. It has been truly a pleasure to learn from you. I wish you nothing but the best in the future.


  • I hope all is well with you and sorry it’s been a while since I’ve written. I’m enjoying working at the company and all my colleagues are very friendly. They are like a second family and truly made me feel welcome the first day, asking many questions about myself.


  • I’ve learned so much from you these past few months, but most importantly I’ve learned how to view the world in a different light. The days you vacillate between feeling frustrated, angry, and stressed are the days that upset me the most.

Saying Goodbye to a Coworker

  • I just wanted to say congratulations on the new job offer and give you a heartfelt goodbye. You’re a great coworker and an even better friend. I feel privileged to have met you and worked with you for these few years. Take care, my friend!


  • I have enjoyed getting to know you and working with you. As I will be leaving in a few weeks, I just wanted to say goodbye and wish you the best. I will miss you! May God bless you and your wife as you begin this journey in your lives.


  • I can’t put into words how much I will miss you. You entered my life seemingly out of nowhere and filled a void in my soul that I didn’t know was there. The memories we made will last forever, and no matter how far away you are, they will always be with me. Thank you for your love, support, and loyalty.


  • I will miss you at our weekly lunch meetings. You will always stay special in my heart. Have a beautiful life, and know that you are loved by many!


  • Your large personality will be missed around here, but I know that you will go far and thrive in this world. I am proud of you and wish you all the best.


  • I may not see you much anymore but that doesn’t mean I have forgotten about you! I hope your new job is everything you want it to be. You are a truly wonderful person and I hope we stay in touch. Best wishes!


  • I will miss you a lot. I will always remember you, I wish we could have been friends longer. This is not the end, it is just the beginning of us being apart. I will think of you often and smile. We were such good friends, we can now be even better as people who just say hello from time to time.


  • Co-workers friends, hello. I’m going to miss talking with you every day. I don’t plan on moving to the other areas of DoD finance, but I will miss working with you guys. Have a nice day and have fun at your new placement.


  • I will miss you so much, but I know you will be better off where you are going. Do take care and keep in touch!


  • You have been like a sister to me and I will miss you so much. You have brought so much light and laughter into my life, I won’t forget those good times. I wish you the best in your new adventure, wherever it lands you.


  • You have deepened my respect for myself, for love, and life. I am grateful for our time together. Know that you are treasured, cared for, and loved.


  • We are all sad to see you go. You are a wonderful coworker and we will greatly miss you. I wish you the best in whatever your future holds. Take care and God bless.


  • I will miss you dearly. I’ve enjoyed working with you on the team and getting to know you over the years. You are a wonderful woman & I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Take care, have fun, and move forward with life. I am sure everything will work out just fine.


  • I love you and will miss you terribly. I will never forget the time we had together, you were more than just a coworker you were my friend, my drinking buddy, and one of my best friends. I wish this wasn’t happening but it does and there is nothing I can do about it.


  • I am so glad I have worked with you these past few years. You have been a wonderful coworker, friend, and colleague. You are a truly loyal person with a great personality. I will always remember our times together and all the adventures we had. Keep in touch!


  • I’ll miss working with you. You always were one to keep things in perspective and made us all smile at every opportunity. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to replace you, but I am sure that you will go very far in your chosen career and I wish you the best of luck in the coming years.


  • Thank you for your friendship and all that you have taught me – both in and out of work. It will be hard to say goodbye, but I hope we continue to stay in touch. I’m going to miss you, but know that I am so very grateful for everything we shared.


  • Just wanted to drop you a line and say goodnight, and wish you a safe journey back home. You will be missed around here, all of the guys in the office are saying goodbye tonight, a few guys are having a few cold beers to give you a proper send-off.


  • It was an amazing journey, the time we spent together. I hope everything goes well for you. Wish you all the best in life.


Words to Say Goodbye to a Coworker


  • I haven’t been in touch much the last few months because I am in a long-distance relationship with my girlfriend, but you were always a kind, funny and friendly person at work. I will cherish all the good times we spend working together and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


  • I’ve enjoyed working with you and our friendship has added so much joy to my life. I will miss you a lot. It was great to get to know you and hope that we stay in contact!


  • I’ll miss you and everything that you made our group great. You were one of the best people I ever had the privilege to work with and you will be missed greatly. Good Luck 🙂


  • I had such a good time working with you… I’m going to miss you! Hopefully, we will stay in touch and still hang out sometimes. I know we will both do great things together, but it might not be as often.


  • I have appreciated all the time I’ve gotten to spend with you in the past few months. You’re a wonderful person and it has been great getting to know you better. I hope you will be very happy in California and that your family won’t miss me too much! Thanks for everything!


  • Where has the time gone? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were in that tiny cubical together. We had so much fun and the time seemed to fly by. It was great working with you and hope we can be friends outside of work.


  • I’ve known you through the best and worst of times, but I will truly miss you. You have been one of my closest friends that I can always trust, joke around with and count on to be there for me. I’m going to miss you a lot. Hopefully, we will still be able to keep in touch over the phone and through social networks.


  • I am so glad I got to know you. You have made a great impact on my life, and have taught me many different lessons. I will miss our talks and making silly jokes together, not just joking with you behind the counter but personal conversations as well. Our friendship meant a lot to me, and I hope you realize that too 🙂


  • Thank you for everything! I will miss you so much. Don’t forget to say hi to everyone when you get back!


  • Thank you for your friendship and your hard work. You’ve made my days a little brighter with your interesting stories and bright smile. I think of you often and will miss those easy laughs.


  • I don’t know where I would be without you. You were always a shoulder to lean on during the tough days and a friend to talk to and laugh with on the good ones! You were like the big sister I never had! Best of luck in all your future endeavors!


  • If you leave our office today, I will miss you so much. You have made my job so much fun, and I just want to say that you have been a great role model to me and coworker ___. Good luck in your next steps!


  • As crazy as it may sound you are way more than just a coworker. I care deeply for you and don’t want to see you go. Please know that you are loved and you are missed.


  • I just want to take a minute to say thanks for working alongside me. You have been nothing but a pleasure to work with and I am going to miss you so much! Love ya ‘till we meet again 🙂


  • Thank you for being such a great friend in my life. I will miss your funny emails and goofy smile. The time we shared working together was like a second family to me. After spending so much time with each other it’s impossible not to become close. Wish you all the best in your next job and hope we can still be friends.


  • I’m so going to miss you. Thanks for being such a great friend and mentor. You have helped me grow in ways I never imagined. It was a pleasure working with you, and I know we will keep in touch.


  • It was a pleasure working with you and I will miss you. Good luck in your future endeavors.


  • I will miss you dearly. You have been one of my closest friends and I will stay in touch and hang out with you as often as I can.


  • As time goes on I come to discover that life is just not the same without you there to brighten my day. You were always kind and cheerful, a joy to be around. You will always hold a special place in my heart.


  • I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again… you are a great friend. You have helped me through much in the last year, and I can’t enough thank you for that. I’ll miss our little lunches, co-worker talks, and most of all our friendship!


  • it’s been a pleasure knowing you. I’ll miss you on the days that we spend together. You always had a good attitude and made me feel better when I was down. You had a good heart. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

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